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Beachcomber Snap Directional Replacement Massage Jet (Grey)


Do you have a Beachcomber Hot Tub from 2000 to 2010 with snap-in Jet Fittings?

Replace your hot tub jets with high-powered replacement jets that simply snap into place. Customize your massage experience with these adjustable jets that can be pointed to fixate on a single point of your body for a strong massage and muscle-relieving experience. 

The directional snap jet comes in a range of sizes (medium, large, or extra large) to fit your Beachcomber hot tub. The jets use a non-polisock fitting type to easily snap into position and are designed for hot tubs sold between 2000 and 2010. 

E1 Medium Jet: 

  • 3 inches across the diameter of the jet face 
  • Compatible with Beachcomber Hot Tubs with serial numbers beginning with a letter from B to L.

E2 Large Jet:

  • 3.5 inches across the diameter of the jet face
  • Compatible with Beachcomber Hot Tubs with serial numbers beginning with a letter from C to L.

E3 Large Jet:

  • 5 inches across the diameter of the jet face
  • Compatible with Beachcomber Hot Tubs with serial numbers beginning with a letter from A to L.

Available in Grey

The non-polilock system makes the installation of the directional jet as simple as snapping it in. For help installing your hot tub jet, ensure your Beachcomber hot tub is compatible, and contact the Seaway Pools & Hot Tubs team directly.

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