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Maxi Pucks


Stabilized chlorinating tablets are used to control the growth of algae and bacteria in swimming pool water.

Keep stabilized chlorinating tablets level within the recommended optimal range of 30-50 ppm. If needed dilute the concentration by adding freshwater into your swimming pool.

NOTE: Heavy pool usage, hot weather and heavy rain may require more IPS maxi pucks to maintain optimal chlorine residuals.

Keep your pool in top shape with this easy-to-follow maintenance schedule:

  • Check your pH daily to ensure it's at a consistent level of 7.2-7.8.
  • Keep your free chlorine levels at 1-3 parts per million.
  • Keep your total alkalinity at 80-120 parts per million.
  • Keep calcium levels between 200-300 parts per million.

Maintain outdoor swimming pool chlorine levels by adding 300 grams of STAB/Conditioner for every 10,000 litres to achieve a chlorine residual level of 30 parts per million.

For automated chlorinators, pour in maxi pucks until the product reaches the fill line and change the flow rate based on the manufacturer's instructions. (You can also add chlorine pucks to your pool skimmer basket as an alternative chlorine feed method.)

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